Reading 0-100mV with ATtiny85

Guys, I need to read a 0-100mVdc signal with an ATtiny85, so looking at the datashhet I saw that it has a differential input for analog reading, so I thought of the following: put the gnd in the input - and the 0-100mV signal in the input positive, with a gain option of 1 or 20. With a gain of 20, the signal goes from 0 to 2V and I can use the value of 2.56V in the datasheet as an internal reference.

Has anyone used something like this before?
Have you used differential inputs with gain?

What do you guys think of this configuration to read this signal?

Please use pen and paper and draw the rigging.

Any second "signal" wire to connect?

At first glance it seems possible. You probably want to use unipolar differential mode. Give it a try and let us know how it goes.

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