Reading 200+ individual voltages at the same time

For a human scale drone project, I am employing 42 lipo batteries with 6cells a piece. This is 42*6 voltages I need to read in order to make sure no battery cell is drained below its 3.3V threshold.

Any suggestions on how to read that many analog signals at the same time?

deltaT Resolution can be as large as 10 seconds if need be.

Thanks for your insight!


what output do you need from the voltage monitor?
if you are just going to use it to let you know that the batteries are close to discharge then you can just buy a bunch of monitors that plug into the balancer plug on th battery, and beep very loudly when the voltage is low, google lipo low votlage alarm.

from experience, you want to stop flying at 3.6v. or at least plan to stop flying very quickly.
3.3v will still knacker your battery pack if the drain is high.

dont fly a human sized drone with an arduino controlling it if you want to keep your limbs and or live.