I have an arduino nano(I could swap it out of course for something more powerful) which generate a ppm signal which I have plugged in to my trainer port on my frsky transmitter.
Until now i have been hardcoding the boundary limits of ppm signal and gains for my control loop, however I would rather be able to adjust these on the fly from my transmitter by adjusting 2 potensiometer and 3 way way switch.
So basically i would run 3 servignal from my rx to the arduino and map the pulsewidth to gain values.
The problem i am having is that arduino nano only have 2 interupts, and I found this code for reading multiple ppm streams: https://create.arduino.cc/projecthub/kelvineyeone/read-pwm-decode-rc-receiver-input-and-apply-fail-safe-6b90eb
However it interfare with the frsky library, which uses software serial for generating telemetry data and reading GPS data. Since I only using the ms value to set the gain I can live with delays/ update frequency of up to a minute. Is there a simple way to achive this with 3 interupts?