Reading ATMega164P config via ISP

Admin : If my question is not appropriate for 'Programming' please reassign to appropriate forum sub topic!

Setup : Arduino UNO v3 setup as ISP with target board connected via SPI interface.

Issue : there doesn't appear to be board/core definition for Signature = 0x1E 0x94 0x0A ; Processor = ATmega164P. How do I import board/core definitions for ATmega164?

Here is output from Atmega_Fuse_Calculator (Board Arduino Uno, Appropriate port, Arduino as ISP)

Serial Outpit:

Atmega fuse calculator.
Written by Nicke........
EFuse = 0xFC
Lock byte = 0xFC
Clock calibration = 0x81
OCD Enable.............................. [ ]
JTAG Enable............................. ⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮WO⸮⸮⸮⸮
⸮ ⸮⸮9
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Ating to enter ICSP programming mode ...
Entered programming mode OK.
Signature = 0x1E 0x94 0x0A
Processor = ATmega164P
ttempting to enter ICSP programming mode ...
Entered programming mode OK.
Signature = 0x1E 0x94 0x0A
Processor = ATmega164P
Flash m⸮l⸮Y⸮⸮⸮⸮Ah@H UH3J⸮H$F⸮⸮⸮

Outside of my experience , so until someone who knows comes along , I would ….

Have a google of boards.txt , this is where the definitions are kept and it’s editable .
The 164 may still not be supported , never used one , so dont know .

Have a look at “ micro core” or “minicore” and a general google of “ Arduino 164” might help

  • All variants - P, PA, A, PB. Select the correct version in the 'Variant' menu

Thx. MightyCore appears to be the missing link and at least Arduino v1.86 can recognize the board signature now. Baby steps.

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