Hi guys,
I have a question regarding a project I'm working on if you mind shedding some light for me.
Scenario: On my Computer screen, a red triangle will be in the center of the screen (and stays in the center), when the triangle turns green, I want the board to do an action (the action isn't so important now). The triangle on the screen is just smaller than half an inch in size. The background of the screen would be a video playing and the triangle is infront the video.
Which direction should I go in?
I looked at the TCS230 color sensor chip, but I'm trying to read the color off a TV/Computer Screen which already produces light.
Anyone familiar with the TCS3200, in it's data sheet it says "Color detection of radiant subjects (LEDs, CRTs), just for clarification, would this be a prime example of what I need?
We are not very knowledgeable about electronics but programming is not an issue for us at all.
Thanks in advance.