Reading Data from PROGMEM in setup{}

Hi fellow Arduinians,

i was wondering if the following was possible:
I have a measuring routine that records data and stores it in an array. To preserve ram it's probably a good idea to put that into PROGMEM. Now, if i have to reset the arduino for some reason, is it possible to read the array as it was before the reset during initialisation to basically continue in the very same state as before the setup ?

Hopefully the problem became clear, if not let me know + thanks in advance.

I have a measuring routine that records data and stores it in an array. To preserve ram it's probably a good idea to put that into PROGMEM

It's very difficult for a running program to write data into progmem - you have to make calls into the boot section to write it back out to progmem.

Have you considered EEPROM, or some external memory like an I2C EEPROM or an SD card?

No, i haven't considered EEproms yet. Could you point me to some info especially on i2c modules suitable for the arduino ? (Units easy to program, since i am fairly new to the arduino)

Thanks for your help,

Edit: Just found the page on the playground ::slight_smile: