I think I understand whats going on here, but to help clearify for everyone else I'll break it down.
When the remote is on, your values are steady, that we know. Now when the remote is off the values go crazy, I may have an explanation for this.
For the normal wiring to just the servos (with the controller on), the servos are steady, but to anyone who owns those kind of RC receivers (any kind, they all do the same thing) when the radio is off, the servos begin to vibrate or twitch. This of course is due to interference, we know that, HOWEVER, because the data is going into the arduino, it takes time for the arduino to process the data. Now most amature programmers, (no offense to lacion or anyone else, just new programmers in general) think that when a program is running, the program is instantaneous, but it is not. The arduino uno/mega is rather slow when it comes to sorting it's data and sending it where it needs to go. But a receiver do not have to sort THAT MUCH data, so it is very quick to respond to a command, and that is where the problem lies.
lacion is getting data from the receiver and is going into the arduino, not fully aware, (again no offense), that the amount of time it takes the arduino to process one command, the receiver has already put out 5 or even 10 commands. SO when the remote is off, those twitchs are not being sampled correctly and because your also sending data to a monitor or LCD, that is even more processing time the arduino has to do before it is able to get a new command. And all that processing time puts out a very, almost seziure like movement, and your values show that on your display.
Now it is a different story when the remote is on, because the data is MUCH more steady and so the arduino appears to be working hand and hand, but really is it still not able to fully catch up.
So the bottom line is, the arduino is unable to fully keep up with the data from the receiver, so now lacion has to take that into consideration, and set limiters, constrain the data and hopefully that will make it work a little better; appear to work better.
Any objections?