Reading GPS on MKR1000 board

I am trying to use a GT-U7 small gps module with a MKR1000 board. Softwareserial sketches i have seen don't seem to work on the cloud based editor as the software library always comes back with an error.

The sketch below which i found on the internet does work well without the use of the softwareserial library. the TX RX pins are connected to 13 and 14 on the MKR1000 board and transfer data on serial.

This sketch was to test the GPS , but when you use cloudLocation created on the things to show lat and long on the IOT widget map. but it doesn't show any data lat 0 long 0.

I also cant print trainlocation, this function doesn't seem that well supported in terms of information.In the thingsproperties.h cloudLocation doesn't change blue like the other variables.

Is there a basic script that can be used to test this function as the GPS library's don't work without the softwareserial library working?

String ReadString;
double Lat;
double Long;
CloudLocation trainlocation;

void setup() {  
  Serial.begin(9600);  //Arduino serial monitor thru USB cable 
  //Serial1.begin(9600); // Serial1 port connected to GPS

void loop() { 
  Lat = 50.545;
  Long = -0.35;
  trainlocation = {Lat, Long};
   // sprintf(body, "{\"Lat\":%s,\"Long\":%s}", latBuff, longBuff); // If all you want is lat/long
  ReadString=Serial1.readStringUntil(13);   //NMEA data ends with 'return' character, which is ascii(13)
  ReadString.trim();                      // they say NMEA data starts with "$", but the Arduino doesn't think so.
  // Serial.println(ReadString);         //All the raw sentences will be sent to monitor, if you want them, maybe to see the labels and data order.

  //Start Parsing by finding data, put it in a string of character array, then removing it, leaving the rest of thes sentence for the next 'find'
   if (ReadString.startsWith("$GPGLL")) {   //I picked this sentence, you can pick any of the other labels and rearrange/add sections as needed. 
     // Serial.println(ReadString);     // display raw GLL data in Serial Monitor
     // mine looks like this: "$GPGLL,4053.16598,N,10458.93997,E,224431.00,A,D*7D"

//This section gets repeated for each delimeted bit of data by looking for the commas
     //Find Lattitude is first in GLL sentence, other senetences have data in different order
      int Pos=ReadString.indexOf(',');   //look for comma delimetrer
      ReadString.remove(0, Pos+1); // Remove Pos+1 characters starting at index=0, this one strips off "$GPGLL" in my sentence
      Pos=ReadString.indexOf(','); //looks for next comma delimetrer, which is now the first comma because I removed the first segment   
        char Lat[Pos];            //declare character array Lat with a size of the dbit of data
           for (int i=0; i <= Pos-1; i++){    // load charcters into array
            //Serial.print(Lat);          // display raw latitude data in Serial Monitor, I'll use Lat again in a few lines for converting   
//repeating with a different char array variable        
       //Get Lattitude North or South
        ReadString.remove(0, Pos+1);               
        char LatSide[Pos];           //declare different variable name
           for (int i=0; i <= Pos-1; i++){
            LatSide[i]=ReadString.charAt(i);  //fill the array          
            //Serial.println(LatSide[i]);       //display N or S

          //convert the variable array Lat to degrees Google can use
          float LatAsFloat = atof (Lat);            //atof converts the char array to a float type
          float LatInDeg;
           if(LatSide[0]==char(78)) {        //char(69) is decimal for the letter "N" in ascii chart   
               LatInDeg= ConvertData(LatAsFloat);   //call the conversion funcion (see below) 
           if(LatSide[0]==char(83)) {        //char(69) is decimal for the letter "S" in ascii chart   
               LatInDeg= -( ConvertData(LatAsFloat));   //call the conversion funcion (see below) 
           Serial.println(LatInDeg,15); //display value Google can use in Serial Monitor, set decimal point value high
//repeating with a different char array variable               
       //Get Longitude
        ReadString.remove(0, Pos+1);               
        char Longit[Pos];             //declare different variable name
           for (int i=0; i <= Pos-1; i++){
            Longit[i]=ReadString.charAt(i);      //fill the array  
           // Serial.print(Longit);      //display raw longitude data in Serial Monitor      
//repeating with a different char array variable 
            //Get Longitude East or West
        ReadString.remove(0, Pos+1);              
        char LongitSide[Pos];         //declare different variable name
           for (int i=0; i <= Pos-1; i++){
            LongitSide[i]=ReadString.charAt(i);      //fill the array          
           // Serial.println(LongitSide[i]);        //display raw longitude data in Serial Monitor
           //convert to degrees Google can use  
          float LongitAsFloat = atof (Longit);    //atof converts the char array to a float type
          float LongInDeg;
         if(LongitSide[0]==char(69)) {        //char(69) is decimal for the letter "E" in ascii chart
                 LongInDeg=ConvertData(LongitAsFloat);   //call the conversion funcion (see below
         if(LongitSide[0]==char(87)) {         //char(87) is decimal for the letter "W" in ascii chart
                 LongInDeg=-(ConvertData(LongitAsFloat)); //call the conversion funcion (see below
           Serial.println(LongInDeg,15);  //display value Google can use in Serial Monitor, set decimal point value high
//repeating with a different char array variable 
            //Get TimeStamp - GMT
        ReadString.remove(0, Pos+1);                
        char TimeStamp[Pos];          //declare different variable name
           for (int i=0; i <= Pos-1; i++){
            TimeStamp[i]=ReadString.charAt(i);         //fill the array     
           //Serial.print(TimeStamp);   //display raw longitude data in Serial Monitor, GMT

//Conversion function
float ConvertData(float RawDegrees)
  float RawAsFloat = RawDegrees; 
  int firstdigits = ((int)RawAsFloat)/100; // Get the first digits by turning f into an integer, then doing an integer divide by 100;
  float nexttwodigits = RawAsFloat - (float)(firstdigits*100);
  float Converted = (float)(firstdigits + nexttwodigits/60.0);
  return Converted;

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