I recently started learning to code, and I was thinking to make something that would read a string, and then convert it to morse code that would be displayed via LED. I couldn't find any documentation on a function that could read a string and individually read the characters within, so I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions or ideas on how I could approach this.
I'm relatively new to this, so expect me to ask for clarification.
char txt = "hello world";
void setup()
 for (byte cnt = 0; cnt < strlen(txt); cnt++)
  Serial.print("char at position ");
  Serial.print(" = ");
voud loop()
I was interested to see that "strlen" returns the length excluding the null. I usually use the sizeof(array)/sizeof(an element) approach, which includes the null.
Stupid mistake; thanks for correcting.
I spent about half an hour earlier trying to figure out why a specific Serial.print was cluttering up my output when I thought was 1000% sure it was if()'d out. I had broken my own golden rule of not having more than one statement on a line, and when I stuck the if in at the front, I forgot the {}. It's easy to make stupid mistakes.