Hello everyone, a few days ago I acquired a radar level transmitter sensor with a maximum range of 15 meters, I am trying to read the Modbus registers of the RS 485 communication that brings the level transmitter, however, when loading the code shown to my Arduino UNO board, with the connections shown in the schematic, I can not read any data.
When I open the serial monitor I can only read the following data:
If someone could give me a hand with this implementation would be great for the whole community. greetings to all. I remain attentive to your advice and recommendations.
Hi Bro, I run your code, and this is what I found on the Serial monitor:
result: 3
result: 3
result: 3
result: 3
But, I have a really good news. There I can read the buffers that I needed, so this is the code That works for me:
#include <ModbusMaster.h>
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#define RX_PIN 11
#define TX_PIN 10
#define MAX485_REDE_PIN 12
SoftwareSerial modbusSerial(RX_PIN, TX_PIN);
ModbusMaster node; //object node for class ModbusMaster
//Variables de medicion de radar
int Rango = 0;
int Nivel = 0;
void preTransmission() //Function for setting stste of Pins DE & RE of RS-485
digitalWrite(MAX485_REDE_PIN, 1);
void postTransmission()
digitalWrite(MAX485_REDE_PIN, 0);
void setup()
digitalWrite(MAX485_REDE_PIN, 0);
node.begin(1, modbusSerial);
void loop()
uint16_t result = node.readHoldingRegisters(0x01, 2);
if (result == node.ku8MBSuccess)
Nivel = node.getResponseBuffer(0);
Rango = node.getResponseBuffer(1);
return Nivel, Rango;
int Distancia = Rango - Nivel; //Distancia medida en mm
Serial.println(" mm");
I read the buffer 0 and 1, with the 0x01 address, and when I get the values, I only have to make Distance = Range - Level, and That's all bro, this code works with the same schematic diagram that I show in my first publication. I hope that it could work for you bro, Thank you so much.
Hello, I need your help, I have an ultrasonic level transmitter, and the manufacturer only shared the following information with me, the data reviewed in the instrument is:
Address: 001, baudrate: 2400, check digit: None, data bits: 8 stop bit: 1
The only response I have received is E2
I was varying uint16_t result = node.readHoldingRegisters(0x01,2);
and I still get the same E2 value
means no response received..
even if it was a bad register address requested the device should respond if addressed properly..
make sure you got your baud at 2400 like the manu says, can't hurt to try other bauds just to see..
check your connections..
still not getting it, then we need more info..
connection diagram and test code please..
This is usually a write register command, so you first needs comms up to do it..
could be, diagram looks ok, can try switching the a and b, won't hurt just won't work..
could also be wrong address, reading the doc, they have an "if" there..
If the meter address is 01..
not sure if the lib allows it, but try changing that 1 to 255..
address 255 is the modbus broadcast address all modules connected should respond and can find out what address it is currently set too..
but obviously the address can be changed..
a usb485 adapter for the PC would be handy, could test comms to the unit..
in the code pic, you are still trying to getResponseBuffer(1) even though you only ask for 1..
the one response will be in Buffer(0) only..
if the address is wrong, you can get "E2"..
if CRC is wrong, usually due to bad baud, you get "E2"..
if you can't do the 255 address then maybe give this sketch a try.. Uno 7n1 Modbus
it's for some 7 in 1 sensor, reads registers 0-6..
looks like your command is in temp register 1..
this sketch does not use a lib for the modbus so you get more debug info and you can use the 255 addresses..