Reading Multiple RFID tags with RC522

I am trying to accomplish something similar to what is on this website.

Essentially I am trying to use 4 RFID tags on 4 different sensors to trigger an event (relay triggering an electromagnet). When I use the Dumpinfo code from the RC522 library that reads a card I receive the uid for the card to be "04 16 D7 22 4C 58 81".

The code from github I am trying to use asks for something along the lines of {0x4B, 0x17, 0xBC, 0x79}.

Is there a way to convert the uid I am receiving to the other code (Hexidecimal or ASCII?? I'm not sure which one this is)

If anyone has a different example for me to look at I would also love to do that. I haven't made any changes to either code, but ran into the issue when I was trying to insert my UIDs into the GitHub code.

I have also considered using 4 different arduino nanos to feed into one microcontroller that will trigger the relay. That does not seem like the best route, but it may be easier to do.

The code from github I am trying to use asks for something along the lines of {0x4B, 0x17, 0xBC, 0x79}.

It may help to get a link to that code.