I am having trouble discerning how each section of the device is connected to the Nodemcu. I tried contacting the maker of the schematic but he has not gotten back to me in months.
The way the device is supposed to work is that a pressure transducer sends pressure data to the MCP3424 chip which converts that analog signal to a digital one, which can be read by the Nodemcu and translated into a pressure reading.
I am unsure how each of these parts connects with each other.
What do all the arrows that point to labels such as "adc_bm1" mean?
First things first;
adc_bm and adc_bm1 are undoubtedly labels for Analog to Digital Converter /Battery Monitor
and Analog to Digital Converter /Battery Monitor_1, since adc_bm is the output of a voltage divider coming from the Lipo connector. Assuming the Lipo is a 2S , the charged voltage would be 7.4Vdc. The voltage divider is comprised of a 47k (probably because it is the closest standard value to 50k ) and a 100k resistor, resulting in an output voltage of about 3.5V, or
exactly HALF of a full charge. This is the MAX voltage that could come from that voltage divider with fully charged battery so no doubt this was chosen because it falls comfortably withn the range of any ADC running on 5V.
adc_bm1 only exists if jumper JP2 is moved to the other position, rerouting the battery Monitor voltage to the MCP3424 instead of going to the NODE_Mcu. Reason for that is unknown at this time.
What pin is receiving the signal from the MCP3424?
This would be an invalid question in view of the fact that ADC stands for Analog to Digital Converter and the MCP3424 clearly indicates CH2+/CH2- are positive and negative differtial analog inputs to the MC3424 , which , by the way is an IC2 based device and IC2 is Multiprocessor/MultiSlave bidirectional open-drain 512kbs serial digital so the there is no
"pin" associated with the output of the MCP3424. The output is sent on the bidirectional bus
via the SDA (Serial Data) and SCL (Serial Clock). The data is sent at about 500kbs and is bidirectional.
In order for you to use this circuit you will need to learn something about the I2C code syntax
MCP3424 I2C Sample Code
As configured in the given schematic, the MCP3424 is receiving pressure voltage on the CH1
DIFF input pins, converting it to digital and putting out on the bus where it is sent to the NODE_MCU and stored on the SDCARD.
The battery is monitored by the NODE_MCU, not the MCP3424 because JP2 is in position 1.
Any other questions ?
- I2C
"You're either on the bus or off the buss..."
Ken Kesey
Is it possible you might be getting in over your head ?
It's fine to want to use electronic circuits that are so available today but there is such a thing as getting too far ahead of yourself. I suppose suggesting you learn electronics before using is
out of the question ?