Hello everyone, im very new and very excited to the arduino world.
Ill go look for a starter kit to buy here in Milan tomorrow, but i had a feasability question in the meantime.
I work on old motorcycles, and i had in mind to try and build an additional "brain" based on arduino to handle some additional checks/controls.
I wont bore you with the list that is going around in my head but i have a question in particular regarding rpm reading.
I have in mind to remove the original instruments (speedometer, temperature, rpm's, neutral, blinkers and oil pressure) and replace them with an app on my smartphone (windows 8 os).
I can pull the speed via gps so that isnt an issue (also pulling it from the bike without keeping the original instrument in place might prove a challenge) but can arduino read those other signals, interpret them and communicate them to a smartphone's app via bluetooth/wifi? I cant immagine reading them being much of a problem, especially considering that 30 year old bikes dont have a very complicated signal system, but im more concerned about the communication.
I was also thinking about a gps/sms allarm system, but i think guides for those are already around the forums.
I realize this isnt an easy answer nor do i require detailed explenations, i just wanted to know if this was doable and not extremely hard.
Thank you.