Reading serial data from Teensy 3.6?

I just started using a Teensy 3.6, and I'm trying to analogRead many pins fast, but from what I read, Teensy is fixed at 9600 baud? Why is this? Why is Teensy so fast and powerful but then limited on purpose? Is there any options for reading/printing in real time as fast as Teensy can?

Where on earth did you read that the Teensy is fixed at 9600 baud?

I have a similar MCU, the Teensy 3.5 and that bad boy can run a serial port up to 2Mil baud. Have you tried to do printing with at least 115200 baud? No harm in trying :wink:

If you're using the native USB serial on the Teensy then there's no baud rate. You are forced to pick one in the .begin() function but it ignores whatever you write and uses the fastest USB speed available.

Yeah I’m using the native Serial but if it’s using the fastest rate possible why can’t I print data faster than 9600 baud? I need to collect data in real time. If I can’t print it faster than 9600 baud how can I harvest the data? All I can find it information explaining how to dump it to an SD card?

Yeah I’m using the native Serial but if it’s using the fastest rate possible why can’t I print data faster than 9600 baud?

Did you even read my post? Where is your code? Why do you think you can't print data at a baud higher than 9600?