Reading Temperature/Humidity and send data to web page


i am new in Arduino and into my first project.
I want to read temperature/humidity from a cellar and be able to get these values on a web page.
I understand that i need a sensor but i would also need an ethernet shield which are somehow out of stock.

Is it another way to make this project move forward? A combination of Arduino + Raspberry?


Is it another way to make this project move forward? A combination of Arduino + Raspberry?

You could certainly use the Arduino to monitor the sensors and pass the data to the Pi via a Serial link to be processed and displayed on a Web page.

As a first step, read the values and display them on the Arduino serial monitor.

Ethernet shields are definitely not out of stock from the Chinese sellers on Ebay.

You could certainly use the Arduino to monitor the sensors and pass the data to the Pi via a Serial link to be processed and displayed on a Web page.

As a first step, read the values and display them on the Arduino serial monitor.

Regarding sensors i should use I2C or Thermal Analog sensors?