I've got an UNO monitoring temperatures with DS18B20's and it has an ethernet shield on it. It's programming has a simple website programmed that I can see within my LAN by typing it's IP address. This all works great but I'd like to be able to query it via another web server and report the temperatures on a full blown web server instead of the simple arduino server and I'm not sure how to do that.
This all works great but I'd like to be able to query it via another web server and report the temperatures on a full blown web server instead of the simple arduino server and I'm not sure how to do that.
You could embed your arduino temperatures into your full blown web page.
The below site has some info. Generally page content from another server needs a complete URL instead of a reference to the URL of the main page server.
That might work, the I only have an old 28J60 Ethernet board to test with, but I've ordered a new W5100 board to test with - I'll have to try it when it gets here. The board I currently measure temps with is a W5100/Uno combo