Reading voltage using RF kit (433Mhz)

Hi guys,
I'm new coder of arduino. I want to transmit data with using RF kit but i dont know how it works.
I searched and saw too many projects with RF kit. However i dont know i will code the arduino.
Project include 2 Arduino Uno, 1 Transmitter and 1 Receiver. Also power supply. I want to use potentiometer to change voltage. And read voltage using first arduino. After that the transmitter use this data to send receiver. Lastly second arduino read this data and monitor that voltage which i send.

How can i code this project??

If you look for RF libraries nd install them there is also some examples in there to get you started.

Plus you have not mentioned what type of of 433mhz of TX/RX your using.

Depending on the range you could look at the NRF24L01’s modules again there is a great tutorial on this forum how to use them

I m going to use TWS-BS-3 of transmitter and also RWS-371 of receiver. I know this modulate mode is ASK.

Do you guys any recommend and help for this project.