real name for stacking headers?

does anyone know the official or technical name for the female headers with long pins for stacking? I can't find them on farnell.

Maybe "Wirewrap"? Just a guess.

Samtec just calls them "through-hole .025in sq post socket with square tails" (and you order with a particular "long" tail length.)

wirewrap by nature have long leads, but they are also a bit thicker and kind of snap into perfboard (which tend to have larger holes than most modern "3 atoms of copper for a pad" pcbs today)

wirewrap by nature have long leads, but they are also a bit thicker and kind of snap into perfboard

Thanks for the info! Now I know :slight_smile:

I guess farnell doesn't sell them, they have wirewrap DIP sockets, but not headers :frowning:

In Arduino parlance they're known as "female passthrough headers" and are available from places like Sparkfun, Adafruit, etc.

.... and for a prohibitive price :wink:

oh SF sells a 6 pin for 50 cents, which is not eye gougingly bad, but yea if you can find it from an electronics store you would save

Connectors tend to be depressingly expensive, unless you find what you need as surplus, or buy in rather enormous quantities. For instance, Mouser has a number of 6 position connectors that are "close but not quite right" , and most of them are well above the price SF/Adafruit/NKC charge...

Here's a data sheet for them,\temp\header_stackable.pdf

I think I got this from Sparkfun. Unfortunately I have not been able to find a supplier of non-6/8 pin sizes and I need 13-way or even 2x13.

You can get them from 4uconnector. They allow sample buys up to 10 pieces. It's USD0.0582 per piece for the 6 pins version. You can also buy in bulk with them. I usually buy from them in samples quantity but have to wait 2-3 weeks to see any big buyer buying in huge quantity, so they can squeeze in your small order. And also use cheap registered mail to save $$$.

Thanks 27648, I assumed they wouldn't entertain hobbiest orders, I don't know what they call "bulk" but at < 6c I can afford a few.

Bulk is like a reel (sometimes 1K, 2K, etc). If you notice, Sparkfun uses quite a lot of their connectors based on the datasheet they attached. :slight_smile:

Hmm, too many for me, I'm thinking 50-100 :frowning:

Protostack have the 8 pin ones for $0.45 for quantities of 10 or more, whilst Ada Fruit have a set of 4 for $1.20 each if you buy 100.

Thanks for that. I really want a 2x13 or 1x13 but that's not going to happen I guess so I'll make what I need from the 8 and 6-way versions.

With that many pins I think samtech is your only option. They are expensive and with 13 or 26 pins you are looking at a high insertion force. The Samtech ones are pretty tight.

I do have some 10 pin ones that I'm running out right now for 70% off ($0.63), but I only have 55 on hand.


Hi Daniel,

I've spent a fair bit of time on the Samtech site and cannot find the same type of stackable connector, can you point me to a model number?

Have a look at

The picture doesn't look like a stacking header, but they are available in many tail options. you want either "04" or "24" in the 3rd segment of the part number. eg SSQ-113-24-G-S
