Real time control project


Can you please help me for checking the feasibility of Arduino Due board.
I am working on active vibration control project. I want to control the vibrations of a plate. I would like to use the Arduino Due board for this purpose.
This project requires use of 12 accelerometers and two actuators. The Due board will read the 12 analog voltages from these 12 accelerometers and will give an output to both the actuators based on the control scheme.
Does this idea seem feasible with Arduino Due board? I have seen someone do a similar project with an Arduino Mega board. The difference between the two projects is that the other person had only single input and single output as against my requirement of 12 inputs and 2 outputs.
Also Matlalb supports Arduino mega which is not the case with Due.

Thanks And Regrds.


Ok.. Thank you.
how can I read the negative voltages coming from the sensors? The analog input range is given as 0-3.3V


I mean the accelerometer will give a negative voltage depending on the direction of motion. So my question is will the board be able to read the negative voltage?
The document of Due says it can read 0 to 3.3 V. Here is the link of DUE specifications for your reference.


Ok. I will look into this a bit more. Thank You for the help.

I will use PCB 355B03 accelerometers. here is the link: Model 355B03 | PCB Piezotronics
Kindly let me know what specific details of the accelerometer you need to evaluate?


Those accelerometers have an output bias voltage so they won't be any negative voltages
I think.

They just need scaling down to 3.3V from the accelerometer supply level.

Do you need to read the analog voltages simultaneously?

Yes, I need to read the voltages simultaneously.