I am a newby on the forum and in this whole thing in general.
My hobby lead me to this site and this forum.
I am trying to decide which board to purchase that will suit my needs.
My needs look very simple (after a research i made).
I have got an analogue input (0-5v) and i want the values to be stored and plotted, if possible, in real time.
I found some applications that can do that, but i think you get the main idea.
Of course the limitless abilities of programming will help me later on, but this is what i initially need.
I think the ADK Rev3 is a good match.
Any suggestions?
I have got an analogue input (0-5v) and i want the values to be stored and plotted, if possible, in real time.
I think the ADK Rev3 is a good match.
If you are OK using a PC connected to the Arduino by uSB cable for this, PLX-DAQ is a freebie macro for Excel, which provides real-time plots. It can also store the data on the usual CSV file. RealTerm is another useful free terminal which logs the data to CSV but has no graphic ability.
A plain-vanilla UNO will suffice for this job - $15.