I am considering buying a Audio Hacker (probably a Dj Shield also) to do real time voice modulation for phone calls. I am wondering if it is capable of making my voice sound robotic (think Siri or those weird youtube videos that are clearly not narrated by a human). Does anyone have any experience? Mostly what I've seen is people modulating their voices so they sound like they are in witness protection and doing an anonymous television interview.
To change voice quality requires digital signal processing (DSP), which in general requires a fast processor.
Arduinos like the Uno, Mega, etc. are too slow to do much, and whether they could do what you want depends strongly on whatever algorithm needed to have the desired effect. Before making a decision, research the topic to learn what other people are doing to achieve certain outcomes.
"Robotic" voices are produced by Linear Predictive Coding algorithms, which are low quality models of the vocal tract. An overview of some of those algorithms can be found in this report.
Experiments with DSP are much easier to do on a laptop or desktop than a microcontroller.
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