I have an industrial cnc router that i would like to get working again.
It had a chinese controler in it that went bad.
How hard would it be to replace it with Arduino.
Hard to say without more details. Assuming the controller consumes some kind of CAD/CAM part file and commands stepper motors acordingly, definitely non trivial though.
Yes CAD/CAM part file and commands stepper motors.
I will find out more today when i go to work.
WOW what a nice mill project.
That is a good one to add maybe a 3D printer to.
I just finished reading the magazine called: MAKE
It says there are ways to use a mill.
I think that it's better to get parts from CNC Routers and Control Systems | PROBOTIX or similar stores. I had to get parts from Probotix to get an old CNC router working again.