Reccomendation for a push button

I intend to mount the Arduino in a plastic enclosure with some push buttons and leds on the outside.
I have already tried pcb mounted tactile micro switches but its very difficult to align the opening of the box with the switch soldered on the PCB below. The end result doesn't look good !

What I am trying to achieve is something like this :

Can anyone suggest some kind of push button which will enable me to make the project look as nice as possible or any other tried and tested method ? I am sure other people are facing the same issue as well!

What's the problem with aligning them? Just measure correct...

Or are you trying to align switching on a protoboard and are the buttons in the case already there (aka, that spacing is already fixed)?

Or are you trying to align switching on a protoboard and are the buttons in the case already there (aka, that spacing is already fixed)?

No I need to drill the holes on the plastic cover exactly over the switches and leds on the pcb below. Right now the pcb is a stripboard but i plan to make a proper pcb later. Aligning all 6 switches ans 6 leds is not easy!

Code tag != quote :wink:

Not that hard... But you can me things a lot easier if you make a nice drill template with the center of each drill hole.

Or if it's a one off then don't place them on a PCB and just glue them in place :stuck_out_tongue:

Lots for sale, SMD switch.

Lots for sale, SMD switch.

That particular switch wouldnt protrude out from the enclosure. I would then need some kind of extension to be able to press the switch...

Well, there are just so many to choose from: Click Here.


What is wrong with a simple push button?


Panel mounted switches are easy to install i suppose but they dont feel or look as nice as the other tactile ones... :o

You can always go to this style:

I like these though:

Eye of the beholder.


the first one is like the one i tried..

Simple switch alignment procedure.

Drill holes in the panel for the switches to protrude.
Put a small dot of glue on the PCB at the center location where the switch is to be soldered.
Center a switch on each dot of glue.
Carefully position the panel over the switches, you can still adjust switch position as the glue has not dried.
Leave panel in place until the glue hardens.
Solder the switches to the PCB.

The switches will now be lined up perfectly with the panel holes.

You can also wrap a piece of paper around the switches to space them from the holes evenly
all the way round.

You can also wrap a piece of paper around the switches to space them from the holes evenly
all the way round.

Very good point (or masking tape), will center the switches on the holes.


You can also wrap a piece of paper around the switches to space them from the holes evenly
all the way round.

Hmm...not sure I understood where the paper goes and how it helps..

The paper or masking tape (shim) is around the part of the switch that protrudes through the hole in the panel.
You only put enough around the switch to still let the switch fit through the hole.
After the glue sets, you take off the paper or tape.
The switch will now be equally space (centered) in the panel hole.

That's indeed a great tip for gluing switches! Need to remember that :slight_smile:

But of no use if you want to PCB mount them. But I mention again (because of zero response), if you print a drilling template with all the drill centers on it it's not hard to get it nicely lined up. Just print it and glue (with glue stick) or tape it onto it, center punch the centers and start drilling. If your template and PCB match it's a perfect fit :slight_smile:

he paper or masking tape (shim) is around the part of the switch that protrudes through the hole in the panel.
You only put enough around the switch to still let the switch fit through the hole.
After the glue sets, you take off the paper or tape.
The switch will now be equally space (centered) in the panel hole.

Ok ... i get it now... Yes it is a good idea indeed!

But of no use if you want to PCB mount them. But I mention again (because of zero response), if you print a drilling template with all the drill centers on it it's not hard to get it nicely lined up. Just print it and glue (with glue stick) or tape it onto it, center punch the centers and start drilling. If your template and PCB match it's a perfect fit

Yes in my case there will be PCB soldered on a stripboard.

I did try the template method before, however you still need to make sure that the pre-drtilled PCB holes (where the switch will be soldered) matches the switch position protruding from the box.

Use tactile switches.
Drill holes in panel larger then the button tops.
Make it so the button tops are flush with the top of the panel.
Then make up a laminated panel to go over the top and make it look like membrane switches.

All tolerances are hidden under laminate.

Tom... :slight_smile:

Then make up a laminated panel to go over the top and make it look like membrane switches.

Nice concept ...but how do you make the laminated panel?