Reccomendations for laser/cnc cut acrylic service?

Hey guys,

I'm working on a project for which I'm going to need first 10, an then 100 11x11" sheets of 1/8" acrylic cut.

I'm not sure if laser or CNC cutting would be less expensive, but I'm on a budget, so if one is going to be half the cost of the other, but the quality of the cuts isn't as good, then I'd prefer the cheaper service. This will be a base plate so it's not going to be seen much.

Each sheet would have six holes for screws, two SD card size slots, and square holes for a DC jack and rocker switch. In the center, there will also need to be a 'grill' with holes for screws at the corners, behind which will be mounted a small speaker.

The speaker portion will probably add the most cost. Right now it's a fancy design with oval shapes, but that might actually make it cheaper to cut than something with a lot of much smaller holes.

I'm not looking for random suggestions; I know how to use google. :slight_smile: What I'm looking for are reviews from those who've actually used particular services and been happy with the results or might have an idea of the cost difference between CNC and laser cutting for panels like this.

I'm also not sure what format they'll want the data in, but I would like to be able to just create the design in Eagle since that's what I know and I'll have the board right there for reference. I think most places will want DXF, though maybe some can accept gerbers? I'm not sure if I can export DXF form Eagle, that's something I still need to look into.

Laser is cheaper than cnc by a large margin.
File type depends upon your cutting service provider.
Find them first and ask , job quotes are normally free.

Im in uk so not that helpful , but i have used 2 or 3 suppliers without a problem.

I used two different local companies several times, for both laser cutting and milling. They were perfectly happy to accept a drawing on a piece of paper.