Hi everyone!
I trying to get neuro data from neurodevice BrainLink Lite via Bluetooth Shield 2.2 (based on HC-05), but receive nothing.
Below code and configurations of devices.
1. configure bluetooth module
Bluetooth Shield 2.2 has a mode switcher DAT\CMD. Switch it to the CMD mode.
Connect RX, TX to arduino 0, 1 pins. Vcc 5V, GND.
Write simple echo sketch:
void setup() {
Serial.println("setup done");
void loop() {
if (Serial1.available())
byte a = Serial1.read();
if (Serial.available())
byte a = Serial.read();
configure bluetooth module via at-commands:
at+orgl // default settings
at+reset // reset
at+rmaad // delete all auth devices
at+role=1 // role - master
at+cmode=0 // connectto fixed address
at+uart=57600,0,0 // neuro device work on 57600 baud
at+init // init bluetooth spp
at+bind=addr // set fixed address of neuro device
switch Bluetooth Shield to DATA mode and disconnect RX\TX pins.
2. upload sketch to receive bytes from bluetooth device:
# define DEBUGOUTPUT 1
void setup() {
Serial.println("setup done");
void loop() {
byte readOneByte() {
byte readByte = Serial1.read();
Serial.print((char) readByte);
return readByte;
3. connect jumpers between arduino and bluetooth shield. Turn on BrainLink Lite and wait for connection.
Serial monitor are empty...
any ideas? I don't see any mistake
pls help, I wasted already 2 weeks =(
Thanks a lot!
Are welcome to detail questions.
4. Expected questions:
Are you really sure that connection between bluetooth and neuro device was installed?
Yes, go check
switch again to CMD mode and check that connection really exist:
at+mrad -> BrainLink address // recently used authenticated device
at+adcn -> 1 // count of connection -
Do both devices support the same bluetooth profiles?
BrainLink Lite based on NeuroSky MindWave and support SPP for transmit brainwaves -
Have you tried to connect the smartphone and the neurodevice via any Bluetooth Terminal?
Yes, data are receiving