I've been stuck for some time with my project and would greatly appreciate some help. I'm rather far from programming and my brains are boiling already)
I need to read some exact bytes from CAN of my car and use it to calculate and display values like RPM etc.
Engine ECU sends 8 byte long messages, so I have no problem with reading it and dealing with any byte I want. For example, for RPM, I need bytes 5 and 6 from this:
5 62 20 2 B B8
CAN1.readMsgBuf(&len, rxBuf); // : len = data length, buf = data byte(s)
rxId = CAN1.getCanId();
if (rxId == moduleIdAnswer && rxBuf[1] == PID[1] && rxBuf[2] == PID[2] && rxBuf[3] == PID[3]) {
// tthe above it to get correct bytes for a value. A = rxBuf[4], B = rxBuf[5], C = rxBuf[6], D = rxBuf[7]
switch (parameter) {
case 0:
// RPM
retValue = (256 * rxBuf[4] + rxBuf[5]) / 4.0;
return retValue;
But another ECU sends messages 18 bytes long. And for my calculation I need byte 18.
This is an example line, that I'm dealing with, excluding the first byte, which I don't know yet, but it doesn't matter:
x 61 22 3 0 0 2 20 0 0 0 34 80 fa 9 0 0 38
I need to be able to use "38" . How do I get it?
Is below correct or I don't understant how buffers work?(
CAN1.readMsgBuf(&len, rxBuf); //
CAN1.readMsgBuf(&len1, rxBuf1); // do I really need &len1 and &len2?... it's still 8 bytes per frame.
CAN1.readMsgBuf(&len2, rxBuf2);
rxId = CAN1.getCanId(); //
Serial.println("CAN_BUS GET DATA");
Serial.print("CAN ID: ");
Serial.print("data len = ");
//This loops through each byte of data and prints it
for(int i = 0; i<len; i++) // print the data
Serial.print("data len1 = ");
//This loops through each byte of data and prints it
for(int i = 0; i<len1; i++) // print the data
Serial.print("data len2 = ");
//This loops through each byte of data and prints it
for(int i = 0; i<len2; i++) // print the data
if (rxId == moduleIdAnswer && rxBuf[1] == PID[1] && rxBuf[2] == PID[2]) {
// A = rxBuf[4], B = rxBuf[5], C = rxBuf[6], D = rxBuf[7], ... O = rxBuf2[0]
switch (parameter) {
case 0:
// ExtTemp
retValue = (rxBuf2[0] - 40);
return retValue;
Sorry for the long post...