Board: ESP32-EVB
I am trying to read data from a Radar's RS232 Interface through the UEXT connector on the ESP.
As per the schematics, I am using GPIO 36 as the rxPin and GPIO 4 as the txPin.
HardwareSerial USE_SERIAL1(1);
#define RX1 36
#define TX1 4
void setup() {
USE_SERIAL1.begin(9600, SERIAL_8N1, RX1, TX1);
void loop() {
// Check if we are receiving data
if(USE_SERIAL1.available() >0) {
Serial.println("USE_SERIAL1 is available.");
while (USE_SERIAL1.available()) {
char c = char(;
Radar_String += c;
Serial.println("Radar_String = " + Radar_String);
The radar is set up to send data on 9600.
I'm receiving no data. Not even Serial.println("Serial2 is available.");.
Any thoughts ?