Recieving midi clock from pc via usb, and blinking a led to the bpm

I've tried to piece together a code, where my pro micro recieves midi clock from ableton live via usb, and then the onboard led flashes to the tempo, but I couldn't find any leads, how van I do that. Sorry for my stupid question, but I just recently started the whole arduino, and coding thing, so I'm a dummy yet.
I don't know how to use the function, to read midi clock, and how to make it drive the onboard LED.

First things first: does Ableton Live send out MIDI clock messages? As far as I know, most DAWs don't.
Test this using a MIDI monitor software tool on your computer.
If it doesn't, you could use the messages for the time display that are probably sent over MIDI if you select a control surface in Ableton. This will be more complex though, because it will probably involve System Exclusive messages.

Next, you'll have to understand how the MIDI protocol works. The official specification contains a lot of information about timing and clock messages.

Then you have to understand how these MIDI messages are fit into 4-byte USB packets. Again, read the official specification. (Focus on page 16.)

Finally, use to read these 4-byte USB MIDI packets. Check the code index number and the header byte to identify a packet. If it's a Timing Clock event (0x03 0xF8 0x?? 0x??), increment a counter. If the counter is 0, turn on the LED, if it reaches 12, turn off the LED, if the counter reaches 24, reset it to 0. This way, it will blink on every quarter note. If you receive a Start event, reset the counter to zero as well (or 23? not sure).
