Has anyone used any Android Bluetooth LE terminal application which also has their source code released to the public?
I've been actively searching for 1 for quite awhile with no luck.
The app either only work for normal bluetooth and doesnt work for BLE, or when it does, the source code is not public.
I'm looking for applications similar to https://play.google.com/store/apps/...
Below are some background for my Arduino project, I previously use a Bluno(arduino uno with onboard BLE) and developed my Android App on top of their Bluno's ble terminal app.
I've recently migrated to another board without an onboard BLE and use a Grove-BLE(which uses a HM-10 cc2540 chip).
Based on my understanding, Bluno's android app runs on the BLE Gatt service, similar to the google's sample(GitHub - googlearchive/android-BluetoothLeGatt: Migrated:).
But the app uses an additional BlunoLibrary that does additional thing to make sure their app only works on their product, such as pre-programming their onboard BLE chip with a password, and on every attempt to connect to the BLE device, the app will check for the password, device's name, as well as model and serial number.
Bluno's android source code can be found here: BlunoBasicDemo/Android/BlunoBasicDemo at master · DFRobot/BlunoBasicDemo · GitHub
These additional features are hard(for me) to try to remove due to the many dependencies.
I've tried the google's BluetoothLeGatt, but I am getting many bugs that are difficult to fix so im hoping i can build ontop of another bluetooth LE terminal app.
Thank you.