Recommendation for beginner?

Hi all, i am new here.
To start with I am not an electronic student. But I have programmed in C, C#, java and php before.

I am interested to pick up some electronic as part of my hobby, so do you guys have any recommendation for a starter kit? Something that i can programmed in. :slight_smile:

Here is my local store:

Can all the experience guys guide me on the necessary parts to get started. :wink:


I started with a Duemilanove.
Then you'll need a suitable USB lead.
(I'm assuming you've already got some form of PC)
To get going, get youself a 10k ohm linear potentiometer, some hookup wire, and probably a soldering iron.
A few LEDs and current-limiting resistors of, say 330 ohms.
Maybe a hobby servo or two.

You'll be dimming LEDs and swivelling servos in no time!

Hi AWOL, thanks for your reply. I have just saw the blinking Led video on Maker magazine website. Very interesting.

So here would be a list that I would be getting..
1.Arduino Duemilanove
2.Arduino ProtoShield V.4 Kit(So that i don't need to solder to board)
3.Breadboard Mini Self-Adhesive
4.some led and resistor etc...

Anymore? :smiley:


USB cable if you haven't already got one (nothing more frustrating than having a board, and not being able to program it!)

Maybe a cheap HD44780-based LCD.
If you're thinking of hooking motors or servos up, an extra regulated power supply.

Just depends what you want to do, and how much you want to spend :smiley:

Arduino ProtoShield come as a kit so you still have to solder the ProtoShield.
Go to SimLim Tower there selling the full size Breadboard only cost SGD$4.
I will suggest no need to get the ProtoShield, get the full size Breadboard from SimLim Tower and other components like 10k ohm linear potentiometer, LED, wire and resistors there. :slight_smile:

@AWOL: yea! hehe..

Hi BillHo, Can you pm the recommended shop name and level?
Btw where you get your Arduino from?

Thanks :slight_smile: