I've been using WEMOS ESP8266 since I started my electronics hobby. Actually, I started out with Adafruit boards but ran into USB connection issues, then found a WEMOS D1 mini. They worked great, my projects needed wifi so it was a no-brainer.
I have a project that does not require WiFi at all. Should I stay with the now LOLIN ESP8266 D1 Mini Pro MCU or do you have recommendations for something else? Small, simple, relaible. Raspberry Pi Pico perhaps?
It depends on what capabilities you need. For experimentation and development I would recommend a cheap clone of the Arduino UNO. It is the oldest Arduino so it is the best supported.
I'm not sure how small and simple you are looking for, but you may want to look into the Atmel ATtiny line of processors. The ATtiny85 only has 8 pins and is pretty capable if you don't need much I/O. It's also programmable via the Arduino IDE and a programmer setup. The ATtiny84 has more IO.
You are absolutely right! I did a price comparison. for $3.70-$5 US for a mini or mini Pro. Its tiny form factor is perfect, my project works fine on both. I can even do it in MicroPython on either board.
Don't even know if it's necessary to turn off the WiFi but, as @mrburnette has pointed out in one of his replies to another "thread". It is certainly possible to turn off the WiFi on the ESP8266 boards.
I understand the reason for buying a real Uno, but I don't see the point of developing on a Uno if you are going to move the code to an ESP32 and mod it.