I'm a 24 year old interactive and graphic designer and I really think I could apply micro controllers to my work. So I'm trying to build a foundation that would work as a longterm investment, rather than approaching it as more of a hobbyist. I'm going into senior year of college and I was granted an independent study on micro controllers. I need to have a working product by the end of the semester (January) and with how little I know I figure I better start grasping it now.
I'm wondering if there are any books worth buying that are specifically focused on understanding circuitry and the hardware end of Arduino/micro controllers? I bought "Getting Started with Arduino" and it's a good book, but it doesn't get into the electrical end as much as the programming. Which makes sense. It's an Arduino book.
The sort of stuff I'm trying to figure out is how much a power a given project would require. I know nothing about power supplies. What are good techniques for making circuit boards? Maybe techniques for making circuits or a general understanding of them? Or even some info about PCBs. I'm experienced with programming and can catch onto that fast, but the other stuff is a new world to me. An intimidating new world.
If there are any learning materials out there that you'd recommend, I'd genuinely appreciate it.
I would strongly suggest these:
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MAKE:Electronics A very good place to start. Charles Platt / O'Reilly did a nice job and very visual..
Practical Electronics for Inventors- an approachable but detailed reference for real design solutions
Electronics%20for%20DUMmIES* * - Any programmer should be able to decode that actually a good book, partly by Gordon McComb, who's no Dummy.
The Circuit Designers Companion* - Tim Williams excellent serious electronics designer resource
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(The linked page has Amazon links for these)...
If you're stuck for something to start reading before Amazon gets there, email me...
Thanks for the recommendations! Robtillart, I'm actually from the states but I'm looking to get an artist in residency there post graduation. Fingers crossed! I'm reading into the options now. And Terry, I'm going to end up taking you up on that gracious offer to email.
If anyone else has suggestions please let me know. The professor I'm doing the study under doesn't have experience in micro controllers. I reassured him I'd figure enough out that I would only need his assistance conceptually to complete the study. He ended up actually buying am Arduino Uno after I spoke to him, so I'm a bit reassured. This will be a big help in getting that baseline understanding for the fall.