Recommended LCD display?


Ok so I'm looking for an LCD display, preferably off the cool components website, which will allow me to display the temperature readout from a thermometer attached to my Arduino? I would like to to be able to display the digits and the degrees symbol if possible and it would be an added bonus if it also displayed characters if I need it to. Are any of the ones on the cool components site capable of is?


Most LCD displays will do as you want, My choice would be a 20X4 display the typical one is white on blue although there are many differenyt types. Probably the only one I would stay away from is any LCD with an Electroluminescent one as the power supply is unusual and difficult as it is a 90 to 150V ac supply. I have several of them and I doubt I will use them for anything mainstream...
Generating the degree symbol has been well covered here in the forum it is 176 or 203, don't rememeber which now though.


Perfect and thanks for the speedy reply. So something like this one would be fine then? (

Thanks again!

Yes exactly.

Excelant! Thanks very much for the advice!

Seems to be 223

That's a good thing right? I'm new to LCD, guessing that's the code for the degree symbol yea?


That's a good thing right? I'm new to LCD, guessing that's the code for the degree symbol yea?


only glyphs on that page is useable unless your display has a different ROM. The glyphs on the next page only work on select LCDs loaded with that ROM at manufacturing. Most manufactured ones are loaded with glyphs on this page.

Haha ok I think I've understood that, thanks! :slight_smile:

SamuelCB, you may find these threads interesting:,44427.0.html,59003.0.html,88459.0.html

The long and short of it is, most 16x2 and 20x4 character-based LCD displays will let you define up to 8 custom characters.

Awesome thanks for those links, hope mine arrives soon so I can start playing and start my project! XD