Hello, I am working on a high altitude record skydive redbullstratos.com and I bought an Arduino Duemilanove board. It will be hooked up to an accelerometer and I need it to receive 2 inputs 1 from x and 1 from the y axis and then if it receives that signal for 5 continuous seconds and only if it is a continuous 5 seconds. Then send 1 or 2 signals out. Is this possible and is there someone I can hire to write this program. I am out of options and time.
Thank you in advance for any help,
Luke Aikins
Phone 253-686-1247
Fax 253-590-0264 lukexaos@mac.com
I suspect that you request oversimplifies the problem - accelerometers produce very noisy data. I'm sure that there are guys on here who can solve but I have to ask the question - I'm guessing that the stunt is going to cost big $$$ it seems strange that red bull aren't throwing money at an off the shelf solution?