Regarding photoelectric Sensor ST150

Hi All,
I'm a beginner at regarding Arduino projects so pardon my rudimentary query.
I want to count angles using photoelectric Sensor ST150 over an actual scale of a protractor. I'm trying to find a substitute for sensor + timing disk canon ip2770 if I'm unable to mange this module. This is for a 900 degree steering wheel that I'm trying build, as far as YouTube goes I found 3 way regarding counting angles starting with 10k potentiometer ,sensor + timing disk canon ip2770 to 600 ppr rotary encoder. So, my question is will the sensor register the tiny details of the scale? or other cheaper methods like 10k potentiometer is adequate?

Your help would be appreciated.


My crystal ball out for a lube job and haircut so I cannot see your protractor so the best anyone can say is, maybe. It would cost little to find out.

It would depend on if the marks are wide enough and the ink* is opaque to IR light. Just because the ink is black does not mean that it will block IR. * if the divisions are inked.

How fine does the measurement need to be (0.1°, 1.0°, 5.0°)?

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ST150 shows up as a model Ford.....

It shows up at sales sites, some sophisticated device.

You need to provide owners manual, OEM manual, or similar.
What about contacting the manufacturer of the equipment?

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Beam width appears to be 0.8mm which most probably be too wide.

I suspect you will need to resort to analog and write code to detect changes in the beam intensity (phototransistor voltage.)

Do not forget the fact that you must manage the counting direction; otherwise you will not know whether to increment or decrement.

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