Register Maniopulation with Arduino M0 pro/Zero (SAMD21)

Hello Everybody
I wanted to ask from where I can get the registers for register manipulation. Now I know from the datasheet, but because I learned Programming with MPLab, so with Microchip MCUs, I don t understand how to manipulate registers with the Arduino IDE.
I need to get the TC working. The register bits I need to enable/disable and the fact how the generic clock works, I do know but I don t understand how to write it.
for the generic clock it is:


but for the TC its not like that:


Can someone tell me how this principle works, or where I can find the names I have to use, to manipulate the registers.

ps. I searched thru the forum but didn't find anything. maybe I missed it.

Kind regards

Hi !
For register definitions, take a look at the Arduino SAMD package tools called CMSIS.
You can find it in the Arduino15 directory, located in Library (for mac) or in AppData (for windows).

Here are files of interest for the TC peripherals (I'm on a Mac, but the Arduino15 hierarchy is the same on windows)):



Hi AloyseTech

Thanks a lot for that, was exactly what I was looking for.