Relay gets stuck and RF issue

I suggest you remove the radios for now and concentrate on getting serial communications working without them, then when you are happy with that add the radios in. At that point you will know the communications work OK without the radios, so any problems will be radio related, not related to anything else.

Start with this:

You could also do with knowing how to read buttons properly, Here is my tutorial:

There's also the state change example in the IDE file / examples / digital / state change detection
Reading buttons correctly is a common topic here, so some reading of the forum will also help.

You need to get rid of the delay and learn how to code without them. Delay might be a quick fix at the moment, but the more you use it the more it will cause you problems.

What is this for:

pinMode(Button3, INPUT_PULLUP); // DS18B20

Why are you reading a DS18B20? How has that got anything to do with what you are doing? A DS18B20 is a 1 wire device and isn't read like that anyway.