Relay module won't work

Hello ! * Hand drawn circuit diagram attached *
I am a freshman in engineering and we were asked to submit a project based on arduino. I've no knowledge about it and coding either as I've no past experience of this all but still we had to submit anything as long as it's worthy for me to pass this class. So I found this one project which is the automatic and manual fire controlling robot and I did buy all the components required too. The circuit diagram provided by the person is way too complicated and he had used a different motor than what I used but I still managed to complete it. I guess I made a mistake cause when I uploaded the code it didn't work. The code uploaded successfully but the relay module won't work and the flame sensors won't sense anything. Basically nothing is working I've attached some pics below. I will be grateful if someone helps me and tells me what went wrong. I'm still learning bit by bit and I don't want to fail. Please help me out. Below is the code link and the circuit diagram picture

Welcome to the forum

Start by posting the schematic of your project. A 'photo of a hand drawn circuit is good enough

Post your sketch, using code tags when you do

In my experience the easiest way to tidy up the code and add the code tags is as follows

Start by tidying up your code by using Tools/Auto Format in the IDE to make it easier to read. Then use Edit/Copy for Forum and paste what was copied in a new reply. Code tags will have been added to the code to make it easy to read in the forum thus making it easier to provide help.

How is your project powered ?

It looks like it’s from the Arduino 5V pin

When is your project due by?

Around 10 August

I'll try to make a circuit diagram and show how I've connected it. Thank you

I've used two lithium-ion batteries

Are you using automatic or manual control?

I'm using both of them

In manual mode, does it move according to the commands you send?

Nope. After connecting everything according to the circuit diagram provided, it won't move. The water pump was working and the buck converter too but other than that nothing else

Well here is the problem.
Nothing works, you have no idea why and you know nothing about coding for the Arduino. To find the problems, a forum member will basically have to hold your hand and walk you through the debugging procedure. It will involve different hardware connections, measuring voltages and writing test programs. It's a time consuming process and personally I can't spare the time right now.

Maybe someone else has the time.

The problem seems to be teachers handing out assignments way beyond the skills and experience of their pupils. It probably allows the teacher to tick a "did that" box on a list of curriculum tasks.

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Yeah you're absolutely right and I'll try my best to know the problem but yes thank you for sparing some time. I appreciate it.

Exactly. He won't even bother helping and just wants to see the progress just so he can easily pass or fail us

I don't want to start helping, then half way through have to abandon you.

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It's alright mate I understand :pray:t2::pray:t2:

That may be the whole idea. When I was a freshman we had 1200 students, by the sophomore year we were down to 500.


I can see the same happening to us at this point

Anyway good luck!

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