hello I'm trying to use a simple code to control a relay. I just fried my other relay shield and I don't want to do the same to this one and before I go any further I am suggesting advice before I go on. here is the link to the shield I'm using
and here is the code I'm using
#define RELAY1 6
void setup()
// Initialise the Arduino data pins for OUTPUT
pinMode(RELAY1, OUTPUT);
void loop()
digitalWrite(RELAY1,LOW); // Turns ON Relays 1
delay(2000); // Wait 2 seconds
delay(2000);// Turns Relay Off
now currently I have the relay board powered by the Arduino 5v pin. and my power source for my Arduino is 12v 500ma dc. now I know the relay is getting signal from the Arduino because in my code I have it turn on for 2 sec and turn off for 2 sec. And the indicater light turns on and off on the relay
I'm pretty sure its because I need 12v to the relay shield, but I think that's how my last relay shield got fried or because I was really confused with it.
Can I hook up 12v to the dc+ and dc- to the relay board? and if so is it ok if I just hook up a 12v battery to it?
I'm pretty sure I can I just don't want to fry this shield thanks in advance.