Relay switching with NPN 1AM

I apologize for my English.
I have a problem with ESP-01, I wanted to switch a 5v relay with it using npn 1AM. If I connect 1AM to ESP01, it won't start. If I start the ESP first and then connect the relay everything works. Or if I connect a led instead of a relay... Has anyone experienced this?
relay - HF32FV, 1117sa - 5v to 3.3v and npn 1AM...

For clarity, I think the "1am" transistor is actually a 2N3904 equivalent, a bog-standard NPN small signal transistor. How are you driving the transistor base? The 5V version of that relay has a coil resistance of 55R so the relay will take ~90mA from the supply so the transistor needs to be appropriately driven. Also 90mA may be too much for your 5V supply - where is that coming from?

Schematic please!

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hw is originally a Tenda SP9 socket. The wifi module died on this socket. I wanted to replace it with ESP01...

Unfortunately, the solution is simple, GPIO 0 and 2 must be pulled out during startup. If I connect a relay (npn transistor) to 03 (rx), the module starts up and the relay can be controlled... Unfortunately, this leads to another problem. If I am able to separate three sockets on the ESP12 :smiley:

GPIO_0, _2 cannot be pulled low 'at boot'.

E... Yes, that's what I wrote above... But... Is the same problem with esp12...?

You posted about "pulled out".

Anyway, look into ESP8266 'boot states'.

If I understand correctly, this forum works so that when you ask, the corresponding send a manual or tutorial and search for yourself...? So... In that case, thanks for the advice... :smiley:

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