Relay works powering LED, but not with pump

I'm having a similar sort of a problem.

I'm running a code in which the IN Pin of a single channel relay is connected to D6 of the Arduino Uno board, and I'm sending High and Low voltage to D6 in between a delay of 1 sec.

The system is working fine when I connect the COM port of the relay to 5V and NC port to an LED, but if I replace the LED with a 5V DC pump, the system doesn't work as per the code...

This is not very surprising. What is the motor specification?

Have you taken any measures to suppress the interference a motor will generate? Motors generate a lot of interference and will often produce enough to reset an Arduino.

Please supply a schematic of your system and a photograph of your setup.

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Hello parvez263

Welcome to the worldbest Arduino forum.

Do not hijacking topics.

We need some additional information.

Post your sketch, well formated, with well-tempered comments and in so called code tags "</>" and schematic to see how we can help.

Have a nice day and enjoy coding in C++.

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I believe that the power supply is not sufficient for the pump.

Posting an annotated schematic as requested will save a lot of guessing and questions as well as the time of many of the volunteers trying to help. It appears as a hardware problem so include links to technical information on each of the hardware devices.

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< code > button makes these tics, and
``` code goes here```

post links to the data for all the parts.

Thanks for the advice. :+1:

How much current does the LED require?
How much current does the motor require?
Where does the motor power come from?


Thanks... Tom... :smiley: :+1: :coffee: :australia:

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