Release Keyboard

I need help,Arduino doesn't release Alt.This is my code:;

What's the problem?

I don't recognize Keyboard.write(99); as a normal arduino command.
Can you give us the whole sketch? And a bit more detail about what you are trying to accomplish?

99is decimal value and is z!

Sorry, If you were trying to answer my question, I didn't get it.
Why are you trying to write to a keyboard anyway. I would expect you to be reading from a keyboard.
I don't see this command anywhere in arduino code. Keyboard.write();

void setup()
void loop()

My bad, you are right. I never saw that before.

not sure if it's exactly the same issue but I have had problems with press and release. My understanding is that if you tell the Arduino to press "t" for example and then to release "t" then "t" will actually stay pressed and also be released in some other sense(I don't get it). someone else on this forum was kind of enough to point me in the right direction and I found this worked in my case when I was trying to code a press and release function conditional on a reading from a potentiometer.

boolean pressed = false;

void setup() {

// the loop routine runs over and over again forever:
void loop() {
  // read the input on analog pin 0:
  int sensorValue = analogRead(A0);
  // print out the value you read:

if ( sensorValue >= 750 && sensorValue  <= 800)  {   
    if (!pressed){
     pressed = !pressed;   

  if (sensorValue  >810) {     
    if (pressed){ 
      Keyboard.release ('d'); 
      pressed = !pressed;   

I'm a bit of a noob but my basic understanding is that the bolean creates a relationship of mutually exclusive states between the two commands. hope this helps

That was just for example!I use this: this: for change volume and press play,next,prevision from a remote control(sorry,i don't know exactly the word)!

I need help,Arduino doesn't release Alt.

Since ALT (and CTRL and shift and function) are modifier keys, I would not expect ALT to be released until some other key is pressed and released.

What does, in your situation, pressing ALT all by itself do?