In my version of Keyboard.cpp this is at position 51 of the array. Did you already change that file?
Yes, it`s right, math problems... ;
I´ve already make a modified copy of the Keyboard.cpp, and it works; but the problem is that i use the ISO8859-1 Hexa codes in order to add the characteres that doesn´t exist on the 128 arduino version; and it doesn´t match.
The values in the _asciimap array are key codes and are the translation of a US keyboard layout
I think i need these "Translator" if exist...
or some way to found every "code" from the arduino,
I try with this:
for (int i=0; i <= 255; i++){;
And it was a biiig mesh; not only send characters, enter, pgdown,del, windows key...
everything straight to my windows funny, but nothing usefull... maybe put it on my boss pc...
These is a part of my keyboard.cpp modifications, if it could be usefull
const uint8_t _asciimap[256] =
0x00, // INT 000; null
0x10, // INT 001; start of heading
0x20, // INT 002; start of text
0x30, // INT 003; end of text
0x40, // INT 004; end of transmission
0x50, // INT 005; enquiry
0x60, // INT 006; acknowledge
0x70, // INT 007; bell
0x80, // INT 008; backpace
0x90, // INT 009; horizontal tab
0x0A, // INT 010; line feed, new line
0x0B, // INT 011; vertical tab
0x0C, // INT 012; form feed, new page
0x0D, // INT 013; carriage return
0x0E, // INT 014; shift out
0x0F, // INT 015; shift in
0x10, // INT 016; data link escape
0x11, // INT 017; device control 1
0x12, // INT 018; device control 2
0x13, // INT 019; device control 3
0x14, // INT 020; device control 4
0x15, // INT 021; negative acknowledge
0x16, // INT 022; synchonous idle
0x17, // INT 023; end of transmission block
0x18, // INT 024; cancel
0x19, // INT 025; end of medium
0x1A, // INT 026; substitute
0x1B, // INT 027; escape
0x1C, // INT 028; file separator
0x1D, // INT 029; group separator
0x1E, // INT 030; record separator
0x1F, // INT 031; unit separator
0x20, // INT 032; space
0x21, // INT 033; exclamation mark
0x22, // INT 034; double quotation mark
0x23, // INT 035; number sign, pound
0x24, // INT 036; dollar sign
0x25, // INT 037; percent sign
0x26, // INT 038; ampersand
0x27, // INT 039; apostrophe, single quote mark
0x28, // INT 040; left parenthesis
0x29, // INT 041; right parenthesis
0x2A, // INT 042; asterisk
0x2B, // INT 043; plus sign
0x2C, // INT 044; comma
0x2D, // INT 045; minus sign, hyphen
0x2E, // INT 046; period, decimal point, full stop
0x2F, // INT 047; slash, virgule, solidus
0x30, // INT 048; digit 0
0x31, // INT 049; digit 1
0x32, // INT 050; digit 2
0x33, // INT 051; digit 3
0x34, // INT 052; digit 4
0x35, // INT 053; digit 5
0x36, // INT 054; digit 6
0x37, // INT 055; digit 7
0x38, // INT 056; digit 8
0x39, // INT 057; digit 9
0x3A, // INT 058; colon
0x3B, // INT 059; semicolon
0x3C, // INT 060; less-than sign
0x3D, // INT 061; equal sign
0x3E, // INT 062; greater-than sign
0x3F, // INT 063; question mark
0x40, // INT 064; commercial at sign
0x41, // INT 065; capital A
0x42, // INT 066; capital B
0x43, // INT 067; capital C
0x44, // INT 068; capital D
0x45, // INT 069; capital E
0x46, // INT 070; capital F
0x47, // INT 071; capital G
0x48, // INT 072; capital H
0x49, // INT 073; capital I
0x4A, // INT 074; capital J
0x4B, // INT 075; capital K
0x4C, // INT 076; capital L
Anyway, thanks for your time an speed replying!!