Remote camera control using Bluetooth

Hello all,

I have a project which i have no idea where to begin with. My final task is to get data from an arduino into a windows phone (running 8/8.1) via bluetooth. The data I need are these,

#1 camera video stream into the phone
#2 analog/digital sensor values (there might be some proximity sensors and/or light sensors I have not decided well yet, but there would be some sensors reading data)

I need the phone to be able to get the video feed from the camera and do some image processing on the phone and then process data and give the user a feedback. I think the arduino would only use as a platform to send the video data to the phone and to do ADC if i have any analog sensors.

I have not decided what the camera is going to be, it can be as low end it must (a medium quality one preffered, i think this is a high quality camera :D, even something like this) to support the arduino.

If anyone can direct me towards any help like this I would appreciate it the most.

Thank you,
bhashithe :slight_smile:

I need the phone to be able to get the video feed from the camera and do some image processing on the phone

Well, the camera will be on the phone, so that'll be a Windows app.

The project is to get the video from the remote camera, not the camera which we have in the phone it self :slight_smile:

Define "video".

Well, I need to identify people(just like face detection) from the video(real time display kind of thing, i hope you understand what I am trying to say).

, i hope you understand what I am trying to say).

No, I was hoping for a specification, in terms of resolution, colour depth, frame rate etc.

No, I was hoping for a specification, in terms of resolution, colour depth, frame rate

These things are yet to be determined, I can make do with what ever the Mega2560 (Uno would be a long shot for something like this as per my knowledge isn't it?) can give me

IMHO, video is impractical on the AVR based platforms.

You could control the Arduino using the phone, but the whole project seems to have loads of disparate items that don't seem to fit your goals

Can't you just connect a USB camera to a Raspberry Pi.

I suspect if you are struggling with even the basics of such a system, the time its going to take you to learn all the appropriate skills and technologies will probably exceed the time you have available to complete this project

Thank you Roger, Well I have considered RPi, even beaglebone, What I thought was having another ARM processor with a battery pack for just to send data from a camera to the phone it self is a bit "not well thought" right? I just want a media to send my video stream and sensor values to the phone. Not another whole system to do the task.

Arduino based option is good because its money efficient. and pretty easy to set up.

I will try to explain what i am trying to do in an example,

There are control line air planes right? you have a wire between the controller and the plane it self. Sensors on the controller (like POTs) will read the values and send them to the airplane via the control line.

There are radio controlled airplanes right? the radio module acts like a wire and it is the medium which the data is sent. What I want to build is a medium to send data of the camera and the sensor values to the phone. Most of the times i would use bluetooth. in order to do that, how am i going to interface the camera into the arduino it self. (There are I2C CMOS cameras right?) and whether it is possible or not?

There are I2C CMOS cameras right?

Your phone has a camera in it, and that camera may have an I2C interface, but just to control it.
The interface simply isn't fast enough to carry image data, for which it'll have something like DSI.
Any camera claiming an I2C interface for image data will be exporting JPEG, and it still won't be fast enough to ship anything but stills.

How many bluetooth cameras are there? Name one.

There are a few that are controlled by bluetooth but none that send video over bluetooth. The reason is that Bluetooth, like I2C, isn't fast enough to send video, even at low resolution.

If you are sending video frame rates to the phone, you need to be on WiFi.

OK. then bluetooth is out of the question then,
So how can I get an arduino to send video feed to the phone via wifi, at the same time, I need to send other sensor data as well. And then If i have built the app inside the phone to do this, will i be able to use WiFi on phone too?

I think we're getting further and further away from Arduino territory.

@AWOL we are right? :slight_smile: so you figure is it the best to go for a RPi? any cheaper options?

Oh, much cheaper options, but sometimes, cheapness is over-rated.