Remote Control how to change button CODE

How do I change a button code on a spare remote control.

What I've Done so far:
I used the attached sketch to get current button codes from my remote control.

Stuck On What to Do Next:
I don't know how to transmit a code from my current remote to my spare remote. Is there an Arduino sketch that somehow transmits the code to the spare remote? I've googled and you tubed with no luck; hence now coming to the forum for help or guidannce please

(oops...forgot to attach....) here's the sketch I used to get the Codes from current remote

// file  UNO_IR_receiver_FINAL_SEARCHforRemoteCodes

#include <IRremote.h> //include the library
int receiver =13; //UNO UNO UNO Pin 13   
IRrecv irrecv(receiver); //create a new instance of receiver
decode_results results;

void setup() {
  irrecv.enableIRIn(); //start the receiver
void loop() {
  if (irrecv.decode(&results)) { //if we have received an IR signal

    Serial.println (results.value, HEX); //display HEX results
    irrecv.resume(); //next value

You do not.

Maybe this will help:

Remote Control device is a read only data transmitter, you can not change code of some key, that will be transmitted on button press.

Thanks. So the remote is a Transmitter ONLY and the buttons CANNOT be "reprogramed" for another device.

My Sharp Stereo/CD/USB/Radio/Bluetooth remote is giving me problems, sometimes it doesn't work. They don't sell that model or that remote.

I have the current Remote codes for each button and the Manufacturer's 4-digit code for the device So I assume that means I have to try an inexpensive UNIVERSAL remote to see if I can get that to work as a backup.

There are universal remote controller that can 'learn' single button as well, this for example, needs a still functioning original remote

in such cases i open the transmitter and examine rubber pads, PCB and battery holder. very often is simple cleaning enough. soap and old toothbrush, maybe little of glass cleaner. if it not help and PCB is not damaged, it means conductivity of black rubber pads it decreased - I glue on it small piece of metallic paper from cigarette box or from chocolate.

sometimes not work. you buying expensive one and it not work too. you lucky if you can quick refund them. if not - you better spend some money and time to build your remote, any time (re-)programmable, with learning or without, for 1 target device or entire home (not only IR).