Remote Controlling a RGB LED strip


I have an Arduino Uno R3, and I recently got a 12V RGB LED strip. So, i hooked it up, using some Transistors and Resistors, and it worked like a charm. But now I want to control it remotely, using an IR sensor I have too. It also came with a remote. My question is; how do I control it? Like, can somebody make a schematic with some code for me? I want to change colours, dim the strip, make it fade and all the other stuff a original RGB controller can do.

Many thanks in Advance.

  • Politieguy

Ken Shirriff has an IR library that can help you with IR remote:

I've used it to control some RGB leds several years ago. Works a charm. But, first, get your code to fade etc. and then add the IR remote.

I downloaded the Library, but i just want to stick an IR Receiver on a breadboard (with the RGB strip connected and all) and send signals to that with a remote. Can that be done?

Read sample code and google some tutorials. Is it so hard to do now that I've pointed out the obvious, the library?!

shirriff IR library tutorial