Remove timers settings

Hi everyone,
I want to remove the timers setting code from being auto programmed into my microcontroller, because it's not right for my application and to reduce program size (I'm working on ATmega8A and the flash memory is almost full)
how to do that ? how and where to control any pre-written code that happens before the visible setup() code

Be aware that after doing this you can't use delay() millis() micros() analogWrite() tone() ... servos... and many other things.

And I don't think you'll free more than few hundreds bytes.
Much more can be achieved simply by optimising the code.
And if the code gets bigger - just take a more powerful board

I'm not using any of these codes, I think I don't need more powerful chip, this should do the mission.
yes these bytes are very valuable in my case.

Then you should dive into the avr-libs sources. There is no easy way to turn off the timers

PS Think about the time you spend on all of this. I think it's worth it to take atmega328 or 168

I believe that if the program begins with main() (skipping setup() and loop()), init() is not called in the intialization phase.

This compiles to 138 bytes for an Uno, most of which is probably interrupt vectors, etc.

int main() {}

Here is the assembly listing of the .hex load file

Disassembly of section .sec1:

00000000 <.sec1>:
   0:   0c 94 34 00     jmp     0x68    ;  0x68
   4:   0c 94 3e 00     jmp     0x7c    ;  0x7c
   8:   0c 94 3e 00     jmp     0x7c    ;  0x7c
   c:   0c 94 3e 00     jmp     0x7c    ;  0x7c
  10:   0c 94 3e 00     jmp     0x7c    ;  0x7c
  14:   0c 94 3e 00     jmp     0x7c    ;  0x7c
  18:   0c 94 3e 00     jmp     0x7c    ;  0x7c
  1c:   0c 94 3e 00     jmp     0x7c    ;  0x7c
  20:   0c 94 3e 00     jmp     0x7c    ;  0x7c
  24:   0c 94 3e 00     jmp     0x7c    ;  0x7c
  28:   0c 94 3e 00     jmp     0x7c    ;  0x7c
  2c:   0c 94 3e 00     jmp     0x7c    ;  0x7c
  30:   0c 94 3e 00     jmp     0x7c    ;  0x7c
  34:   0c 94 3e 00     jmp     0x7c    ;  0x7c
  38:   0c 94 3e 00     jmp     0x7c    ;  0x7c
  3c:   0c 94 3e 00     jmp     0x7c    ;  0x7c
  40:   0c 94 3e 00     jmp     0x7c    ;  0x7c
  44:   0c 94 3e 00     jmp     0x7c    ;  0x7c
  48:   0c 94 3e 00     jmp     0x7c    ;  0x7c
  4c:   0c 94 3e 00     jmp     0x7c    ;  0x7c
  50:   0c 94 3e 00     jmp     0x7c    ;  0x7c
  54:   0c 94 3e 00     jmp     0x7c    ;  0x7c
  58:   0c 94 3e 00     jmp     0x7c    ;  0x7c
  5c:   0c 94 3e 00     jmp     0x7c    ;  0x7c
  60:   0c 94 3e 00     jmp     0x7c    ;  0x7c
  64:   0c 94 3e 00     jmp     0x7c    ;  0x7c
  68:   11 24           eor     r1, r1
  6a:   1f be           out     0x3f, r1        ; 63
  6c:   cf ef           ldi     r28, 0xFF       ; 255
  6e:   d8 e0           ldi     r29, 0x08       ; 8
  70:   de bf           out     0x3e, r29       ; 62
  72:   cd bf           out     0x3d, r28       ; 61
  74:   0e 94 40 00     call    0x80    ;  0x80
  78:   0c 94 43 00     jmp     0x86    ;  0x86
  7c:   0c 94 00 00     jmp     0       ;  0x0
  80:   90 e0           ldi     r25, 0x00       ; 0
  82:   80 e0           ldi     r24, 0x00       ; 0
  84:   08 95           ret
  86:   f8 94           cli
  88:   ff cf           rjmp    .-2             ;  0x88

If you get a cheap ISP device like a "USBasp" or "USBtinyISP" you can upload your sketches with the programmer and free up the bootloader space. They cost less than $20 on Amazon or eBay.

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that's really good! but I faced a problem.. I have multi .ino files in my project, when I used main() instead of setup() and loop() some files were not seen by each other, how to do with this issue ?

Wild guedd that you got compiler or linker errors. Post them using code tags.

Post your code (all of it or and exsmple that demonstrates the problem) so somebody can advise.

if you using main() instead of setup() loop() - you should use traditional C++ .cpp and .h file model with #includes instead of many .ino files

I don't think the use of 'main()' instead of setup() and loop() will override the way the IDE compiles and links your source files. It should do nothing except preventing the initialization of the Arduino core. Did you put your 'main()' into a .c file instead of a .cpp file? Remember that a .c file can't reference any external .cpp functions without some extra hoops.

As an experiment, I changed the setup() and loop() of a fairly complex sketch from:

void setup()
  ...  // setup() contents
void loop()
  ...  // loop() contents


int main()
  ...  // setup() contents
  while (1)
    ...  // loop() contents

The compiled code was 352 bytes smaller and used 9 bytes less static memory space.

you're right, I forgot to activate innterrupts manually so I thought there was problem accessing the files.
Thank you all <3

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