Hello everyone!
I bought an Arduino Leonardo yesterday, and kind of rushed into making a sim button box but immediately flashing MMJoy to the board, only to later on realize that it can't be edited in the Arduino IDE anymore.
Is there a way to remove the MMJoy firmware and reinstall the original? (Or where can I find the original? Google is coming out empty)
Apologies if it is a bit of a stupid question - I am fairly new to the whole system, but keen on learning!

Edit: So I downloaded the Arduino IDE zip file (I had it installed from the Windows 10 store) and I found the hex file (Caterina-Leonardo.hex), I flashed that to the board using the MMJoy software.
I believe it is now back to stock?
Have you tried resetting the board at the moment that the IDE reports the memory usage?
How did you flash the firmware? Just via USB? Or via ICSP using a programmer?
If you're talking about the bootloader, the original is called Caterina; you can search your PC for it.
I flashed with the MMJoy software via USB (both ways - MMJoy firmware & back to Caterina)
I uploaded the IDe Blink example successfully to the board. Unfortunately, I haven't tested it yet. I am in the process of disassembling my old joystick to take an LED out of it for testing.
But I think the board is back to normal/OEM?
But I think the board is back to normal/OEM?
If you could not upload via usb previously and now you can, that problem is solved.
I uploaded the IDe Blink example successfully to the board. Unfortunately, I haven't tested it yet. I am in the process of disassembling my old joystick to take an LED out of it for testing.
Does the Leonardo not have an onboard LED ?
Does the Leonardo not have an onboard LED ?
It has RX, TX, L, and ON LEDs.
Are they programmable?
(Sorry if this is another stupid question - I am at the VERY VERY early stages of learning Arduino and electronics in general)
There is an on board LED connected to pin 13 unless you removed it. That LED should blink when you upload the Blink sketch
The nice thing about the built-in led on the Leonardo is that it's a PWM pin (you can fade the led using analogWrite).
You should be able to program the RX and TX leds; I've never tried it on the Leonardo but on the ProMicro my experiences aren't that great as it seems to interfere with the bootloader; I might have done something wrong though.