Hi, I just make a midi instrument with my arduino and put on the moco firmware so it is recognized as a midi device. Is there a way that I can change it's name from "MIDI/MOCO for LUFA" to something else I desire?
Hi, I just make a midi instrument with my arduino and put on the moco firmware so it is recognized as a midi device. Is there a way that I can change it's name from "MIDI/MOCO for LUFA" to something else I desire?
Unfortunately, USB Descriptor is hard-coded in source code of moco-lufa farmware.
If you want to change the name of device, you need to edit Descriptors.c and rebuild hexfile.
I recommend to compile it on Unix variant system, like Mac or Linux, as LUFA uses Makefile.
By the way, the latest source code is in the following page.
Thank you! I just edited the Descriptors.c files, but am having trouble figuring out how to compile it all into the hex file. Could you help me out?
As moco relies on LUFA library, please refer LUFA document;