Repair your dead uC chips!

here is a brilliant project:

Take look on video inside that link (it is in English)
this device can automatically repair atmels uC (wrong fusebits etc)

Here you can download schematics and firmware

new firmware

Yeah, I had seen this earlier. Pretty nifty, but like it says, it only works if it's been bricked my messing with the fuses. If you blew outputs, etc., you're still SOL :P.

Not sure about this one but I have built one following the schematics here (AVR HV Rescue Shield (Obsolete) | MightyOhm) and it had saved my bricked ATmega328s a couple of times already.

aside from borking the reset pin what other fun fuse settings can you mess up on?

aside from borking the reset pin what other fun fuse settings can you mess up on?

Wrong clock source selected for the chip.

The title of this thread should be "Repair some of your dead uC chips!"


So if you f**k up the reset pin, this will reset it to normal?

So if you f**k up the reset pin, this will reset it to normal?

Not if you physically damage it, just if you mess up the setting inside the chip (software-wise).

You can reset the fuses to default using High voltage programming, which you can't do with typical 5V programming.